By Ashley Mottram
Published Aug 28, 2015
An elite special forces unit under the Coalition of Governments attempt to land forces in Spain from the garrison at the British base of Sanctuary. With desperate and endless battles against the alien invaders, the garrison commanders also send a company to the north of England, to a facility sheltering a space shuttle, its mission to break the Earth’s orbit and scout out the alien fleet. A second company aims to link up scattered forces within England as well as aid European forces struggling to regain control. With heavy casualties in the battles, the Paralegic Regiment find themselves in a race against time, battling against battle-hardened troops with high-tech and barely beatable equipment. Sweat, blood, tears, and precious metal drench the fields of England and the Spanish beach of San Sebastián as a fleet of American and European warships join the fight to save mankind in an endless war.