API Documentation

The Application Programming Interface (API) provides an easy way for your systems to communicate and integrate with the tools and services on Readyet.net.


Each API call requires the submission of a credential for authentication purposes. Crendentials are managed by team administrators from the Team Dashboard.

To authenticate, calculate the base64-encoded credential like this:

base64("username:password"); // result: dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZAo=

And pass the result in an HTTP Authorization header like this:

Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZAo=

The API is available over HTTPS to secure communications of sensitive data.


POST /api/v1/onix/validate

Validate an ONIX file. Supported ONIX versions include 2.1 and 3.0.

Example: curl -u [username]:[password] -d @onix.xml https://www.readyet.net/api/v1/onix/validate


JSON: { 'data': { 'valid':true|false } }

GET /api/v1/onix/feed/[feed-id]

Fetch an ONIX message from the specified feed.

Example: curl -u [username]:[password] -d @onix.xml https://www.readyet.net/api/v1/onix/feed/[feed-id]?key=[api-key]

Query Parameters/Headers
key The access key provided by the feed's steward.
payload (optional)
  • full (default)
  • delta
message (optional) Request a specific message number. Default is the latest published version.
tags (optional)
  • short
  • reference (default)

XML: contents of an ONIX message

PUT /api/v1/onix/feed/[feed-id]

Merge the uploaded file into the specified feed.

Example: curl -u [username]:[password] -d @onix.xml https://www.readyet.net/api/v1/onix/feed/f1234?key=123456789

Query Parameters/Headers
key The access key provided by the feed's steward.
HTTP header Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

JSON: standard 200 response


SuccessHTTP CodeMessage
Yes200{ status: 'ok', message: '[operation message]', data: { /* operation-specific data */ } }
No400{ status: 'warn', message: '[unsuccessful operation message]' }
No401{ status: 'warn', message: '[unauthorized message]' }
No403{ status: 'warn', message: '[forbidden message]' }