A Man's Greatest Challenge... ...Being a Father

By David Reedman
Published Oct 23, 2015

Out of the many experiences of my own life both personally and in working with large numbers of young people and their families, I have seen the increasing devastating effect that fatherlessness is having in our society. I am a father – to me that is a great privilege and honour – and I have walked out the journey of raising 3 children of my own, and I have also observed the challenges that many men face in being a father. To a large extent it was a combination of those 3 factors/experiences that challenged me to write a book on what I believe is a man’s greatest challenge – that of being a father.In the book I firstly wanted to highlight briefly some of the consequences of fatherlessness in our society. Men need to know that the efforts that they make as fathers are important – they are leaving a legacy in the lives of their children that will impact generations. And they need to know that the challenges that they face as they seek to father their children are not unique. As fathers we are all in the same ‘fight’; we are all walking out a very similar journey and I want to challenge men afresh to rise up and make a difference in their own homes and families and then in society. The majority of the book is designed to pass on the things that I have learnt in my own journey as a father to the next generation of fathers. I firstly present what I believe are some of the fundamental requirements of being an effective father – things such as love and time, and the power of the words that we speak. I then focus on six basic steps or principles that apply to becoming an effective father to your children. These six ‘steps’ are both sequential, and yet they need to be continually applied to the many different areas of life time and time again – you never outgrow them, rather they evolve as you and your children grow and mature. I then look at the importance of dealing with your children as individuals, and encourage men to see things in a long term perspective. Life at times does get messy and take unexpected detours, but with time we get to see the results that we all desire as men in the lives of our children. In all these areas I haven’t sought to give men a ‘how to’ guide or a ‘step by step’ method, rather where possible I have endeavoured to share examples from my own family to help explain the principles and to help men work out how to apply the truths to their own families.The last thing that I touch on is to address some of the main challenges or obstacles that we as men confront as we seek to be an effective father. For each of these areas one could write an entire book on the subject, and the ways in which these obstacles work out in a man’s life are as varied as men themselves. So all that I have done is to raise awareness of these issues and give some broad guidelines to help guide men through them.As fathers we are all in the process of learning and growing. None of us have arrived, but we can all learn from one another and together we can make a positive change in our society for the benefit of the generations to come. Being a father is a man’s greatest challenge, and it is hard work at times but it is worth it all.