By Nina Francis
Published Oct 15, 2015
Sophia is a successful Attorney running a Law Practice in Boston andbelieved that after the tumultuous events of her past following the deathof her parents at a young age, she was fi nally at a place where she hadher life together and everything was going accordingly.Until the Matthew Cooper case crash lands into her world and bringswith it Detective Stephen Nielsen, the man responsible for breakingher heart years ago. Matthew is an alleged human traffi cker who hascome to Boston in pursuit of his wife Claire Cooper, who has managedto escape from Matthew, taking with her his closely guarded secrets.Secrets if revealed could fi nally see Matthew jailed for life.Cooper will stop at nothing to get to his wife, even if it means comingafter Sophia as he mistakenly believes that she is safeguarding his wife.Sophia is now forced to work with Stephen to fi nd Claire wife beforeCooper does.The heat has defi nitely been turned on in this pursuit to outwit Cooper,because not only does Sophia face the danger of being the target of amad man’s terrifying chase but she is also in danger of getting sweptaway by the ever present attraction to the handsome Detective as thesimmering passion between them threatens her carefully laid plans tokeep Stephen in her past.