God Does Not Take Pictures!

By Edna Parker
Published Oct 30, 2015

It has been my pleasure writing this book, because countless people are still confused on this subject of God holding their confessed sins against them.Some have been told “God is going to get you! He is just waiting to zap you for one thing or another!"Nothing could be farther from the truth. God is a loving and forgiving God (John 3:16). When you repent of and forsake your sins, he forgives, cleanses, and restores you (1 John 1:9).Although there is a reciprocity for sin—meaning, a consequence. This is just you reaping for what you have said or done.It is similiar to “For every action, there is a consequence, good or bad.”After reading my book, I pray that you come away with a renewed sense of confidence on this subject, one that will help you to share with others your newfound understanding. You can tell them Pastor Edna Parker has written a book on this subject. It explains, according to the Holy Scriptures, that God does not take pictures.