Do you listen to yourself? Do you hear the words that come out of your mouth? You might want to pay closer attention. Words have power. We create our world with our words, regardless of whether we think or speak them.
And now, we have entered a new age that requires a new vocabulary.
In The Oneness of It All, we learn the new vocabulary for the Age of Oneness and the energy that lifts and supports it. Everything is energy—the written and spoken word, art, music, feelings. The words, mandalas, and cover art contained within The Oneness of It All carry the energy of concepts that lift our planetary energy to the level needed for the Age of Oneness.
Words included in The Oneness of It All are familiar words, such as:
• love• joy• beauty• spirit• the divine feminine• darkness• fear
But they have been given new meanings, which bring them to a higher level for our growth and the planet’s. As we contemplate the higher meaning of these words, our energy shifts to a higher state of consciousness and being-ness on the planet.