By Demetrakis (Jim) Ioannou
Published Sep 29, 2015

When we hear Parimies (Greek for proverbs and sayings) we often say “I remember my grandmother saying that”, but we probably never fully captured the power and depth of these words. Even though the young generations of migrants of the diaspora may have been exposed to the language of the Parimies by their parents and grandparents, the beauty and strength of the messages, was only vaguely understood as the next generations experienced a language barrier which prevented full comprehension and appreciation of these proverbs. During my childhood, Parimies comprised a rich part of my parents’ and grandparents’ vocabulary who often conveyed messages to us through the powerful tool of these proverbs. The wisdom, philosophy and logic of the Parimies fascinated me as a young boy. I made a promise to myself that one day I would present these ancient gems in a way which I hope will ignite a spark of inspiration to be carried through to future generations.Well, this is what this book is all about. I have stayed true to my goal and after four years of research and hard work, I put before you every aspect of the fascinating world of the Parimies . I hope that the humour and sadness of the stories used as examples (mainly true stories from my own life experience) will resonate with you dear reader and give you an insight of the richness of the Greek /Cypriot culture family values and life in general. It’s the kind of book that you will come back to from time to time and I truly hope that it will find a very special place in your personal library.