By Colin Phillip Hayvice
Published Aug 17, 2015
“Quickly! Climb a tree, the Taniwha has come out of the lake!”Not knowing what a Taniwha is and not wanting to find out, Justin scrambles up the nearest tree.Sometimes when Justin falls asleep holding the Makutu stone he’s taken to another world with warring cannibal savages, Taniwha and Ngarara man-eating beasts and the deadly threat from an evil witchdoctor who wants the stone and Justin’s blood!The stone has the power and magic to transport the chosen one, when he is 16 years old, back to another world 600 years in the past.Justin goes against his father’s demands for secrecy telling his two mates about the stone, who then pressure him to try out the stone’s magic even though they are only eleven. Justin reluctantly agrees and the three friends are transported back in time and look death in the eye.“Who or what is a Wuruhi…?"After many perilous encounters the three friends try to get back home. Justin hopes the stone will get them back to their home in 2015?