By Tony Bulley
Published Feb 17, 2015
All of my poems are inspired or are reflective of people and events that have had a deep emotional effect on my life in my latter years, in which I have been compelled to write about them.Each and every poem tells its own story in time and place—from my life poems that are an image of what is really happening in the world today with people’s attitudes and structured society and feelings for others, to my love poems that reach into the very depths of my emotions and portray how various women have affected my life emotionally. And it almost certainly reflects the effects of being adopted and never knowing a mother’s true love—in which most talk of love far away, a need of wanting, a need of being, and being so near yet so far—which is the story of my life.The final two sections are probably self-explanatory. They, again, are drawn from events that have affected my life and the lives of others from poems of grief that reflect a sense of “there but not gone” as all life is eternal to my final poems about Tibet, which came from a deep feeling and empathy for Tibet and its people.