Has it become a problem to be a youth, or it is a blessing? Some say they are energetic yet mischievous. Others still say, they don’t know what has become of this age group of young people. Indeed, the wind sometimes takes charge and blows youth far and wide out of tract, losing focus and direction. They become like sheep, wandering without a shepherd. Lost in the wilderness, youth lose their identity; being sidetracked, they lose all hope and courage. Destiny is lost or seems shattered in their face with no light at the end of the tunnel. Youth with a Destiny is a book to all youth that is motivating and encouraging to do the following:
—To rise up in the fear of God,
—To resuscitate all dreams and destiny
—To brace up in the midst of peer pressure
—To reach a destination of success
Destiny is a place of reach, exhaustion of potential in full capacity, determining success in all effective and efficient manner, and utilizing resources available.
In desiring to progress in our youth phase, this book will work as a booster and catalyst, leading to successful, focus, and a detour back to your destiny. It’s never too late or too early, but by grace, “Now is the time of God’s favour now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2, NIV).