La Princesse Abusée

By Patrick Charles
Published Dec 13, 2013

Joceline is a beautiful Haitian mulatto having also the Polish blood in her veins. Apart from a few occasional circumstances where she has experienced the joy and affection, her existence has been punctuated by bitterness. However, she was very helpful to a family in the village of Arcahaie, where she has lived twenty years in the modern slavery (restavek).Endowed with an imaginative spirit, focused on the integral development of her person and the improvement of the situation of her social class, she has undertaken many positive activities after having tasted the freedom. Her intimate life was also saturated with tears. Therefore, many times she has been abused. Even though, she stayed a woman consistent, excellent and honest. Founder of a feminist association, she shared her misadventures with other Haitian women to allow them to protect themselves against the attacks of any predator. "Haiti for Haitians", she says often. However, by coveting also the blessings promised to the people that are hosting the Jews among them, she invited them to stay and invest in Haiti before their complete rally in the Holy City, Jerusalem.