So What’s Next

By Hugh Bryant
Published Feb 11, 2015

The future of the church, the future of Israel, the future of man in general, and the future of planet Earth are all chronicled in the book of Revelation. What an awesome story the resurrected Jesus has given us to end God’s Holy Book, the Bible.

This book on Revelation is meant to be a study guide, a handbook of information, or a digest of the amazing things that are about to take place on earth. In part, it presents the glorious future God is preparing for His children. Read it with prayer and an open mind. Let the great teacher, the Holy Spirit, witness to the truth or error of those things expressed. As you read this book, if you come across a statement or passage you can’t swallow, lay it aside. Pray about it. Ask the Holy Spirit about it. If He doesn’t witness to the truth of the statement, then reject it; but don’t reject the whole book. There may be other truths that will bless and enrich your life.