Pain Is a Game We All Got to Play

By Trixie James
Published Sep 24, 2015

Trixie resides in the Island of Barbados, for many visitors to Barbados, the Island is beautiful, tranquil and peaceful, but beneath the surface of this paradise lies a class structure that is so tightly held in place that for many reaching the top of this structure is hard to accomplish, and only a few are able to penetrate enabling them to move up the ladder. Trixie is one of the few, who was able to penetrate and move up the ladder, but the journey wasn't easy, because Trixie from the beginning was set up to fail, with a mother who loved her but had difficulty putting Trixie's needs above her own, a father who constantly abandoned her because he was a dead beat, her mother's family except for two aunts who resented her because they felt she was given everything, and her father's family who except for an uncle and great uncle acted as if she didn't exist.