By Mary E. Banks
Published Sep 18, 2015
Mary Banks’s book is part-memoir and part-testimonial tips based on her years of recording life events. It is also filled with stories that her relatives told her as a young girl. This book encourages people to learn to never give up and to strive for the very best. She writes that some of our problems may be there for a long time in order to teach us and in order for us to see how long it takes our hearts to become humble. This book is filled with unexpected experiences, love, pain, and even rejection. She compels people to check their circle for people who drain energy. This book encourages you to learn from mistakes. She shares testimonies in order to bless others. It talks about how we are all born to love and how people learn how to hate. The book also teaches that success is not about the size of your house, car, closets, or bank account. This book is evidence that success is not about your possessions but rather about relationships. It encourages forgiveness to gain complete love and peace within yourself. This writing persuades the reader to enjoy life because it is the gift that God gave you.