We all face problems of varying degrees from time to time in our lives. It’s part of being human. As Christians, we are told the answers to our problems can be found in God’s Word. While that may be so, we sometimes find it difficult to locate the answers.
In Owning Your Land: A Study of Joshua, author Karen C. Housholder shares her experiences as they apply to events in the book of Joshua. This profoundly personal journey chronicling Israel’s adventure is for all who dare to believe they can possess what they never thought possible. It requires stepping away from the familiar to absolute trust in God as one faces fierce enemies. The author includes questions that serve for self-reflection or as discussion points for small-group study. Owning Your Land: A Study of Joshua is enlightening and an effective healing tool.
Karen is extremely adept at sharing her intense insights. I encourage all to consider the depth of research undertaken and be blessed. —Dennis Chapman, Chief Development Officer, City Union Mission, Kansas City, Missouri
Karen’s comprehensive and applicable study on Joshua is one we highly recommend … our church has benefited greatly from her insight and teaching. —Morgan Idleman; Director of Women’s Ministry, Westside Christian Fellowship, Lancaster, California
This study of Joshua is engaging and refreshing. Karen’s systematic approach offers both sound doctrine and life changing application. Read it and be challenged. —Shane Idleman; Lead Pastor, Westside Christian Fellowship, Lancaster, California