Everything is Personal

By Connie Beyer
Published Mar 04, 2015

Everything Is Personal is an empowering book for those who have tried to change without experiencing much success. Following several setbacks in an attempt to live a life of unconditional love, the author looks into the conflict between how she wants to act and how she actually behaves. In the process, she discovers a truth that transforms her life: Everything is Personal. Everything is Personal is an inspiring chronicle of the author’s inner journey to alter her behaviors, only to discover how difficult change can be even when the desire is strong. She recognizes she is not alone. Research shows ninety percent of those who make New Year’s resolutions fail by the end of the year. Relying on the guiding principle that Everything is Personal and her love for Quantum Physics, brain research, and learning theory, she devises a change process that is simple and effective. As she gradually revises her self-defeating beliefs, she discovers true inner happiness, unconditional self-love, and compassion for others. Her journey is personal, but the answers she finds are universal.