Other Worlds Untold

By Runesu Chazvemba
Published Oct 09, 2015

A panoply of poems all in free verse exploring the abstract and enchanting, sublime realm carved in words and drawn with such an abandon and flourish upon the vast canvas of a creative tapestry. The poems beg to be felt, to be perceived through a faculty that cleaves to something ineffable and yet draws upon the effervescent, that deep yearning chasm that only the beauty of sound and word can satiate. It is an invitation to tune into the whispers and resonance of that seat of aesthetics. Having thus been given form with an imagery and form that finds acquaintance with and invites familiarity with a much broader audience, the poems solicit the participation of the reader, where the reader is enticed into and consequently immersed in the sparkling waters of the Pierian Spring and, as one, flow down enchanted brooks and taste the sweetness of inclusivity where all waters meet in the vast ocean of feeling and being.