By G. A. Agambila
Published Sep 23, 2015
The unquenchable desire of every young Ghanaian man is to have regular delicious sex and to get a visa to a European or North American country. He would pray fervently to God so long as He owes him his wants. But if enemy spirits, like a dictatorial father, deny him the chance to leave Ghana, he would stay, fleece the country, have more sex, and watch European football. For these desires, he’d make a fetish of the church or the mosque.Joseph Adenera Akolgo was one such young man. His friends who knew him before he was “saved” called him Ade. That was why most people called him Ade. His Christian friends called him Joe. He had slept soundly after having more sex than he asked for. He was thinking about his life and how he might leave Ghana and go to America.