Who Am I?

By Hugo Muller
Published Sep 01, 2015

With all the different views, influences, brokenness, pain, and confusion that just about everyone experiences, it is increasingly difficult to realize who we truly are, what we are capable of, and where we need to be. Scholars, pupils, children, fathers, mothers, employees, bosses, CEOs, managers, teachers, engineers, doctors in every way and walk of life—you will find people that do not know who they are or why they are the way they are. Finding those answers can take a lifetime for some, and this book will open ideas, concepts, and thoughts that will initiate a new line of perception in who you are. The rebellious teenager, the father who is never there, the distant sibling, and insecure mother all have one thing in common, and that is that they don’t know who they are, what they are capable of, or how to overcome. This book provides guidelines and real concepts that will help you identify the power you have to change your and others’ circumstances. In knowing who you are, you will know what you can become. This book intends to give you the tools to grow and develop. So who are you?