By Matome Peter Machete
Published Aug 07, 2015
Are you married or just about to marry? Do you know someone who is married or about to be married? Trust me, you need this book if you care about the marriage. The reason is one and thus, not all who get married stays in the marriage until deaths do them part. When Jesus told his disciples that one of them was going to betray him, they all said, “Not me.” Do not be the next victim and do not allow someone close to you to be the next victim either.I have written this book to share with you the revelation of hope and way out. We all know that marriage is a journey to “Until deaths do us part,” but we also need to know that there is a way to get there. The truth is that not every road leads to this destiny. Which way leads to until deaths do us part? Get and read the book for the answer.This book is written by a Christian marriage counselor who shares his revelation that is meant to assist fellow Christian couples to get to “Until deaths do us part” marriage destiny.