By Luella Campbell
Published Sep 22, 2015
Discipleship and sonship are intimately connected. Jesus was a Son to His Father and a rabbi to His disciples. His goal was to teach His disciples how to be sons by introducing them to the Father and calling them to follow Him and imitate Him as God’s beloved Son. They were to be His replicas on earth, training others to follow Him. Jesus was a Jew, born and raised in the Jewish language and culture of His day. Out of this richness He invited and trained uneducated men to take His yoke, learn from Him and go into the world to set people free from their yokes of bondage. Westernization has obscured the Biblical meaning of discipleship and spawned believers who have lost the truth and simplicity of following Jesus. The church has been fragmented by theology and tradition instead of being united by the Spirit of Jesus.Jesus stripped Judaism of its impositions by taking people back to the Torah and explaining what God meant, not what rabbis imposed on it.This book is an attempt to re-introduce believers to Jesus’s yoke by teaching them to embrace the spirit of Torah, which reflects, not rules or religion but mercy, based on the love of the Father.