The God Exchange

By Criss Cross
Published Oct 28, 2015

It is time to evaluate your current value system. How do you make decisions? Do you base them on cultural references you find on TV or in movies? Do you ask your friends—and even strangers—what they recommend? Do some wrong ideas become so implanted in your mind that you need a bulldozer to clear them out? Can the relationship between a pet dog and its owner tell us anything about our relationship to God?

Author Criss Cross’ The God Exchange uses everyday examples to look at how God created human beings and how it impacts our decisions. We make decisions every day. Some are big, like buying a car or major appliance, changing jobs, or getting married. Others are smaller, such as those involving what we’re going to wear and eat. Every decision is made based on what we like and what we perceive as having good value. Cross shows how the things we value—and the people whose opinions we value—influence our decisions, and not always in good ways. Many of us leave God completely out of the decision-making process. When that happens, there are eternal consequences.

As you’ll read in The God Exchange, some wrong decisions can be really funny and amusing; others are not. They are all part of life and how God designed us as humans. Once you’re aware of what influences your decisions, you can be on your way to making better ones.