Frankenstein - The Lost Manuscript

By Paul Lord
Published Nov 09, 2015

A WarningThe truth, at times, can be the hardest pill to swallow. When we are confronted by something new, something that threatens to shake us from our comfortable tree, we resist. It takes a particular courage to swim against the tide of popular opinion. Most of us would choose to stay out of harm’s way in a safe haven rather than strike out into unchartered seas. If you are one of these, don't bother to read this true account of the Frankenstein myth, hold tightly to your buoy and remain protected in the lee of the shores of the known and familiar, you will be safe. I do not wish to make you feel uncomfortable in your skin, that is not my aim. My goal is to set the record straight and not pander to the fickle minded. If you are not ready for the truth, stay safe and warm in your insulated, ivory towers and remain ignorant of the catastrophe that befell him and the people of the town of Frankenstein. It is not my loss...