Worry Makes Curry

By Baldev Bhatia
Published Oct 22, 2015

The art of happy living is not a complicated kind of art difficult to learn rather a simple art of happy living feeling well, eating well, and thinking well. What we need to do is just to tune up our mind to enjoy every moment of life and let the sweet happiness follow us. Be our own teacher or adviser we ought to look everything with a positive angle. Let us find something good even in most critical moments of our life and let us make positive thinking the basis of our happy living. It’s a matter of thought that fools worry about the circumstances on which they have no control. The wise live on positive good and happy thoughts.A sound and positive happiness is all around. It’s not far away from us. If we do not want to live happy, it’s up to us. It’s our own choice. We must not blame others, nor should we blame our fate or external circumstances. Another thing is that feeling confident affects the way we perceive our situations and how we decide to manage them. Think that by being more optimistic we alter our approaches to situations.