By Fahad Khan
Published Oct 22, 2015
The Dua is written by Fahad Khan. Fahad Khan performed Umrah in 2015 and also traveled to Medinah from Makkah, where he visited Prophet's Mosque - 'Al-Masjid an-Nabawi'. Fahad has written another book on his experience while performing Umrah 2015. This book is a Dua that Fahad was able to compile and share among readers. This is only one Dua and is called "The Dua" which asks Allah for forgiveness and also asks for bounties of this world by touching different spheres of life. This Dua touches all aspects of life and also mentions some verses from Holy Quran. This Dua is comprehensive dua of more than 4000 words which has showered blessings on many readers. It touches modern essence of Law of Attraction (Popularly known as Secret) and also how thinking and feeling something can attract and manifest desires. The Dua also focuses on 99 names of Allah and some verses from Holy Quran to combat Evil Eye, Black Magic.