Horrific Alien Abduction

By Darren James
Published May 30, 2015

This is a real adventure syfy eBook taking you on an journey like you have never been on before. It starts with Joshua Ryan at the age of 12 when he was first abducted going to the many other times he was abducted and how it changed his life. On one abduction he was made to father alien children or they would kill him. His adventures as a father of alien children and going to another planet. Then his last experience of an abduction the aliens changed to another group of very bad and sinister aliens his body was probed and he told the aliens to never abduct him again or he would fight back. That is what he did and this story takes another exciting turn. Joshua must find and destroy the alien marker in his body so they can't find and locate him again. The aliens try to abduct him again and he kills a number of the aliens he is now at war with space aliens to save his own life. This story is told in a very unique way by telling his story to a writer who writes it all down.