Many people say they do not hear God speaking. It is likely they expect to hear His voice booming in their lives. But in truth, He often speaks through your thoughts, circumstances, and other people. Sometimes it’s the subtle, everyday things through which one can hear His voice most clearly.
Through the years, God has used ordinary objects to teach author Elizabeth Smith important spiritual lessons and to make His presence known. In this devotional God Speaks through Ordinary Things, Smith shares some of those ordinary things through which you can hear God speaking. An advertisement for the Bible could be the same as “Geritol’s Advertisement.” Our thought patterns need the same care as “Preparing a Garden”, and a habitual sin is like a “Plaster Cast.” We do not always know why God says no to our prayers, but in “Closed Doors”, Lois was very glad God refused her request. A Christian’s life, as shown in “Demolition,” can be torn down little by little or in one day, the same as a house.
Take the time to observe and think about the events in your life and you too will discover how God speaks through ordinary things.