After losing her job, Isa Andrews finds herself house-sitting for her sister, Kate. Her quirky small town neighbors are already driving her crazy, including a nine-foot-long alligator. She hopes to survive this short purgatory and head back to Manhattan to be a photographer, but luck seems to be against her.
Bryce Williams is mourning his grandfather Harry’s death, and his inheritance is nothing more than mounting debt. He’s on the verge of losing everything. Even his second job as captain and dive master on the Dream Maker can't bring enough money in time. Then, while diving with Isa, something miraculous happens.
Isa takes an underwater photograph that appears to be a clue that could lead them to a four hundred-year-old sunken treasure. Together, they start looking, but they’re not the only ones. To find the treasure--and save both their futures--Isa and Bryce must go up against modern day pirates and a violent hurricane. With luck, they’ll be flying high; otherwise, they’ll end up at the bottom of the sea.