Dictionary of Torture

By Nigette M. Spikes
Published Jan 07, 2015

From ancient times to today, there is no question that torture has been an integral part of human history. From the world’s first documented society of Mesopotamia to the present day; from the famous to the most obscure; and from the Far East to the West and every society in between, the Dictionary of Torture shares fascinating facts on how torture and execution methods have been used throughout history.

Nigette Spikes, a researcher and torture historian, relies on years of research to share a compilation of torture methods from around the world. Whether it was to punish criminals in Abu Gharib, extract confessions from accused witches of Salem, or for the sadistic pleasures of Vlad the Impaler, every alphabetical entry graphically describes a torture and its origins. From the fearsome breast ripper, the terrifying spiked collar, the pear of anguish, and the Judas cradle, Spikes reveals what went on in the dungeon of a medieval castle, how Inquisitioners extracted confessions from “sinners,” and what kind of tortures are still used today.

Dictionary of Torture is a one-of-a-kind collection of torture facts that reveal detailed descriptions of methods and explore world history from the first documented society several millennia ago to present day.