Penning Spirit’s Message

By Michelle Lightworker
Published Oct 19, 2015

If you feel the urge to write, draw, paint, dance, sculpt, teach, or make movies, you may be in the channel already and not realise it! This book aims to assist you in overcoming writer’s block and get those creative juices fl owing into any projects that you have in mind.

Jam-packed with ninety-six activities to unleash your channeling power, you could be on the road to infinite creation in no time at all. For those of you who have a well-trodden channeling ability, it offers to show you how to birth those projects that are calling you and to ground your intention.

Channeling is the marriage of Spirit and humanity. Calling on twelve high vibrational principles (Spirit), cross sectioned with eight main chakras (humanity), it can assist you in evolving your spirit, healing your body, increasing your energy, and resolving emotional baggage.