By Jacqui Tunbridge
Published Oct 12, 2015

Do you know what the four most devastating words are, that any woman, hope’s. she will never have to hear in her lifetime? “You have breast cancer” (that got your attention, didn’t it..) What would you do if it happened to you?

If you were, just rolling along, quite happily living your life, doing the things that you love to do, just being a normal person with every day worries. Then out of the blue, a stranger told you this. How would you cope, how would you feel?

Would you feel like nuclear explosion had just gone off in your head and your safe little world had just been turned upside down? ... I did, when this happened to me!

Cancer doesn’t care, if you are rich and famous, or someone who no one outside of your own world, has ever heard of. Are you married with a young family or are you still single and still looking for a partner, or even a gay, it doesn’t matter. Cancer doesn’t discriminate.This disease can come out of nowhere. It might be today, tomorrow, next month or next year. Will you be the one who gets the unlucky roll or the dice or draws the short straw? Why did it pick me you wonder, why was I the unlucky one to be singled out. It is not fair is it? What, have I done to deserve this!

Nearly every person you meet, knows someone whose life has been touched by cancer. Whether it is their mum, wife, sister, girlfriend or daughter. Have you ever wondered, what treatments they, will have to go through? How scared they might be feeling, trying to deal with this devastating news. No? Well… neither had I, until the unthinkable happened to me.