“I AM” … from Fear to Freedom invites the reader to enter the inner recesses of the life of a woman who struggled with the news that she had chronic fatigue syndrome. In her personal reflections, Marie Brunger shares her spiritual journey, unmasking and naming her fears, disappointments, losses, traumas, and her feelings of grief, guilt, and shame. In the end, though, she finds a path that leads her from the destructive realm of fear to a place of liberation and freedom.
In the course of telling the author’s story, “I AM” … from Fear to Freedom reveals, bit by bit, the major tenets of the ‘I AM’ philosophy. As the narrative progresses, step by step, the contours of this approach to life that promotes wellness and wholeness come into focus.
“I AM” … from Fear to Freedom holds up one woman’s account of a difficult, yet ultimately life-affirming transformation. This story may appeal to you because you face life with chronic fatigue syndrome. Perhaps you deal with some other personal challenges. Maybe you know someone who endures travail in his or her life. Regardless of your particular circumstances, “I AM” … from Fear to Freedom passes on the insight that self-love can bring you health and feelings of well-being.