The 100 Most Important Sporting Events in American History

By Lew Freedman
Published Oct 31, 2015

In this homage to sports history, author Lew Freedman compiles athletic feats that caught fans off guard, inspired awe, and left viewers on the edge of their seats, all while making an impression on the world at large. Freedman ranks 100 of the greatest moments in sports, reflecting on the dramatic impact of the events as well as their greater influence on American society of the time. The work showcases the social, historical, and cultural background of memorable games, teams, and athletes, highlighting the enduring value and importance of each selection.

An introduction discusses the history of sports and explains the criteria for choosing the 100 sporting events in the book. Fascinating, little-known facts punctuate entries, such as how the athletic accomplishments of Jackie Robinson and Joe Louis helped ease racial tensions in the United States; why the passage of Title IX changed gender relations in the United States forever; and which technologies have altered the way Americans view sport. Content also traces the tremendous advancements of safety gear in sports, from the batting helmet and catchers' shin guards in baseball, to the hardshell helmet and face guard in football, to the face mask for goalies in hockey.

In this homage to sports history, author Lew Freedman compiles athletic feats that caught fans off guard, inspired awe, and left viewers on the edge of their seats, all while making an impression on the world at large. Freedman ranks 100 of the greatest moments in sports, reflecting on the dramatic impact of the events as well as their greater influence on American society of the time. The work showcases the social, historical, and cultural background of memorable games, teams, and athletes, highlighting the enduring value and importance of each selection.

An introduction discusses the history of sports and explains the criteria for choosing the 100 sporting events in the book. Fascinating, little-known facts punctuate entries, such as how the athletic accomplishments of Jackie Robinson and Joe Louis helped ease racial tensions in the United States; why the passage of Title IX changed gender relations in the United States forever; and which technologies have altered the way Americans view sport. Content also traces the tremendous advancements of safety gear in sports, from the batting helmet and catchers' shin guards in baseball, to the hardshell helmet and face guard in football, to the face mask for goalies in hockey.

• Features a timeline highlighting major sports events over time

• Includes a list of additional reading resources for each entry

• Covers most every sport including football, baseball, basketball, hockey, horse racing, motorsport, and others

• Supports common core standards for literacy