Cyber Security: Protecting Businesses, Individuals, and the Government From the Next Cyber Attacks [3 volumes]

By Chet Hosmer, George E. Curtis
Published Nov 30, 2015

Cyber attacks disturb business operations, leak confidential information, and disrupt organizations, government agencies, and individuals on a daily basis. In this revealing work, experienced policymakers, security practitioners, and academic experts explain ways to combat current and future cyber attacks through technology. The inclusion of recent cybercrime case studies in the book serves to showcase current crime methodologies, incident response, investigative procedures, and forensic analysis and techniques.

The first volume of the set focuses on cybersecurity issues that impact government as well as the government's role in managing the nation's digital security. The second volume addresses the security issues that affect the private sector, particularly businesses engaged in technology endeavors. The third volume considers issues that impact consumers as well as users of social media and other communication tools. This comprehensive resource provides strategies for early identification and prevention of future attacks, and proposes workable solutions for maintaining a secure data environment.

Cyber attacks disturb business operations, leak confidential information, and disrupt organizations, government agencies, and individuals on a daily basis. In this revealing work, experienced policymakers, security practitioners, and academic experts explain ways to combat current and future cyber attacks through technology. The inclusion of recent cybercrime case studies in the book serves to showcase current crime methodologies, incident response, investigative procedures, and forensic analysis and techniques.

The first volume of the set focuses on cybersecurity issues that impact government as well as the government's role in managing the nation's digital security. The second volume addresses the security issues that affect the private sector, particularly businesses engaged in technology endeavors. The third volume considers issues that impact consumers as well as users of social media and other communication tools. This comprehensive resource provides strategies for early identification and prevention of future attacks, and proposes workable solutions for maintaining a secure data environment.

• Highlights the roles and responsibilities of businesses—both private and public—and consumer sectors in the prevention and detection of cybersecurity

• Features contributions from experts drawn from various levels of government, business, and technology

• Reveals methods for legally profiling cybercriminals

• Offers solutions for preventing cyber attacks and data breaches in government, in businesses, and on personal digital devices

• Discusses the use of social engineering and phishing techniques to obtain critical information, including classified or sensitive access data, for network and database intrusion and economic espionage