Generalist Social Work Practice

By Tina Maschi, Elaine P. Congress, Betty Garcia, Johnathan Singer, Schnavia Hatcher
Published Jul 28, 2016

This authoritative new text features a unique approach to teaching generalist social work that incorporates the latest EPAS guidelines and integrates a micro/macro approach to social work instruction. It is the first social work text to fully incorporate, from its initial publication, the new educational mandates (EPAS) of the Council of Social Work Education, requiring all instruction to diverge from "social work practice as usual" and emphasize client diversity, incorporate issues of human rights and social/economic justice, apply research-informed practice and practice-informed research, and engage in policy practice. The text is designed to meet the needs of educators required to immediately incorporate the new requirements into their curriculum, and features CSWE 2008 EPAS and competencies in each chapter.

The book addresses macro practice skills (leadership, administration, policy, and advocacy) that are often ignored or underplayed in other texts, as well a social justice and human rights framework. It underscores the commonalities across all levels of practice and examines middle-range theories to help students understand the relationship between theory and practice. Research skills and evidence-based practice are at the foundation of each phase of practice presented in the text. To facilitate in-depth learning, the book includes chapter objectives based on EPAS guidelines, review questions, case studies, experiential exercises and worksheets that students can assemble into a learning portfolio. Web features include PowerPoints, syllabi that incorporate EPAS guidelines, and quizzes for each chapter. Comprehensive, broadly inclusive, well organized, and incorporating essential social work mandates, this text will more than meet the needs of BSW and MSW courses in generalist social work.

Key Features:

  • Weaves all CSWE 2008 EPAS and competencies seamlessly into each chapter
  • Includes macro practice skills often ignored or undermined in other texts
  • Stresses a social justice and human rights framework throughout, including the human rights map, an assessment tool developed by the authors facilitating client well-being and human rights issues
  • Incorporates research skills and evidence-based practice throughout
  • Addresses middle range theory to underscore the relationship between theory and practice
  • Offers such print and web-based materials as chapter objectives, review questions, case studies, experiential exercises, PowerPoints, syllabi, and quizzes
  • Enables professors to easily meet CSWE EPAS requirements
  • Priced to be student-friendly